Gene Zwozdesky Scholarship
Sponsored by Mill Woods Cultural & Recreational Facility Association (MCARFA)
Applications are due June 11th, 2024 at 5PM.
About Us
Mill Woods Cultural and Recreational Facility Association (MCARFA) is a not for profit organization established in 1977 to build and operate major recreational or cultural facilities within the Mill Woods area. MCARFA has been the driving force for the building of the Mill Woods Recreation Center, the building and operation of the Mill Woods Golf Course, the Mill Woods Skate Board Park and the development of Jackie Parker Recreation Area.

MCARFA is run by a board of directors which is comprised of: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President and seven directors.
In addition, all member Community League Presidents or their nominee are automatically a member of the board of directors but are not entitled to hold any of the officer positions.
All Directors-at-large and Executive positions are elected at an Annual General Meeting.
Future Directions
To ensure that MCARFA continues to meet the needs of the Mill Woods and Meadows communities, WE WELCOME YOUR INPUT.
Suggestions for recreational needs and ideas and how they can be accomplished can be forwarded through your community representative or directly to the MCARFA board by contacting:
Joan Kirillo (Business Manager)
(780) 461-9815 or Email
Mill Woods Cultural and Recreational Facility Association (MCARFA) is a not for profit organization established in 1977 to build and operate major recreational or cultural facilities within the Mill Woods area. All Mill Woods community league members are members of MCARFA.

History of Jackie Parker Recreation Area
5210 – 44 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
This 61 acre site was designated as an open space District Level Park resource by the City of Edmonton, to be developed to serve the broader outdoor recreation needs of the Mill Woods / Meadows Communities.
In the early 1990's the City of Edmonton started the development of the Park with construction of the Storm water Lake, grading and seeding and identification signage. ($385,000)
1991 - The Mill Woods Presidents' Council formed a sub committee, Jackie Parker Recreation Area Advisory Committee, to work with the City of Edmonton to develop a program statement for the Park, a conceptual plan and relative costs for development. The Mill Woods Presidents' Council was responsible for funding of this process. ($15,000)
1993 - The sub committee then contacted the Mill Woods Cultural and Recreation Facilities Association (MCARFA) to continue the work that the Mill Woods Presidents' Council had initiated. The first project MCARFA undertook in the park was the development of the North Parking Lot. ($110,000)
1995 - MCARFA and the City of Edmonton joined together to install lighting in the North Parking lot and around the lake. ($52,235)
1996 - MCARFA (operators of the Mill Woods Golf Course) were lining the entrance of the golf course roadway with Elm Trees, and received acceptance from the City to continue the trees to the entrance on 50 Street. ($10,000)
1996 - MCARFA took on the project of building a roadway and parking lot into the south area of the park, construction of picnic pads with tables, bbq stands, garbage receptacles and landscaping, benches around the lake and community firepits. ($650,716)
1999 – MCARFA purchases more site furniture and trees for the picnic areas ($14,500) MCARFA hired Brimsmead Ziola Architects to provide the plans for the construction of The Pavilion.
2000 – The City of Edmonton brings the utilities in from 50 Street to the area that the Pavilion would be constructed on. ($150,000)
2000 - MCARFA starts construction of the Pavilion, with Chandos Construction Ltd. being awarded the contract for building and Andre Schwabenbauer receiving the landscaping contract ($964,756)
2007 - The Edmonton Mill Woods Lions Club approaches MCARFA to work together to develop a spray playground at the Park. Woodvale Community League also joins the committee to help develop the playgrounds. Economic turndown in Alberta slowed the funding development of this project.
2009 - 2011 – MCARFA, Edmonton Mill Woods Lions Club, Woodvale Community League, The City of Edmonton, The Province of Alberta and The Government of Canada all joined together to build the Playgrounds at Jackie Parker Park. Aspen Pride Construction Ltd. was awarded the general contract for the Playgrounds. Playground equipment supplied by both Playworks and Park n Play. Landscaping of the Park was provided by Economy Landscape Ltd., the City of Edmonton and Aspen Pride Construction Ltd. ($4,100,000).
Skate Board Park
In late 2001, a group of young community people approached MCARFA Director, Vince Laberge, to help with the construction of a skateboard, roller blade and biking facility in the Campus Site area of Mill Woods. Over $570,000 were raised by MCARFA for this project.
After many meetings with the City of Edmonton and community groups the design work was started in 2003, with the construction starting in 2004.
This facility has been well used and is a hi-light of what the power of youth can accomplish.
440 Track
In 1994, Mr. Cal Jensen, head of the phys.ed department at Percy Page High School approached the MCARFA board to help with the construction of a 440 track for the 2 high schools in Mill Woods.
At the time, there was no money in the Edmonton School Boards budgets to provide this facility.
MCARFA agreed to raise the money and project manage this facility. Bob Strynadka, President of MCARFA, took the lead on this project and hired the construction company of Stuart Olson.
MCARFA raised $230,000 for the completion of this project.
It has been said that necessity is the mother of invention, and this would be very applicable to a group of citizens and community league members in the relatively new residential area of Mill Woods. The time would be the mid 1970's and this group represented concerned parents who had to transport their children through out the city and surrounding communities to participate in minor hockey activities. It was decided that with the large population growth being experienced in the Mill Woods community and the significant demand for minor hockey facilities, an arena complex was urgently needed to fulfil these needs. The group approached the City of Edmonton for this concept, however the timing was not optimum for projects of this nature, and the decision was made to build an arena themselves with the support of the four existing community leagues of Mill Woods: Leefield, North Millbourne, Knottwood and Lakewood.
This decision was the genesis of the creation of the Mill Woods Cultural and Recreation Facility Association or MCARFA, with an initial mandate to build a modest indoor facility with two ice rinks that would be available primarily for the children of the Mill Woods community.
Through the efforts of these dedicated individuals and their respective community leagues they were able to raise the incredible amount of $500,000, which was increased with a matching grant from the province. From these humble beginnings the complex that we know as the Mill Woods Recreation Centre was built in partnership with the City of Edmonton.
Photos and Videos
4540-50 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6L 6P9